
Every year our Men’s and Ladies’ Captains select a charity to support. With the generous support of the members of Hoebridge Golf Club we regularly raise in excess of £18,000 each year. Throughout the year we run numerous charity events to raise funds in support of the selected charity.

The Hoebridge Men’s and Ladies’ Captains have chosen the West Surrey MNDA Branch as their local charity to support in 2025.

Each year circa 5000 people are living with the terminal diagnosis of Motor Neurone disease. In 2023 Doug's wife was diagnosed and told that she had between a few weeks and 5 years to live. This is a devastating diagnosis for any family to face and the work of the team at West Surrey branch really helped us navigate the forms and funding to get the support and special equipment we needed until she passed away 6 months later.
While the scientists are working towards a cure, the complexity of the disease means this is some way from reaching everyone who is diagnosed.
The funding can be as small as £10 which will help those newly diagnosed, be given a pack of contact details of who to call to bank your voice.
Another £50 will allow the patient to bank their voice so they can continue to communicate after the illness has progressed into the vocal chords.
£1000 can fund a special wheelchair riser which will allow them to reach the kitchen surfaces.
Every penny we can raise will help, so no donation is too small.

Please help by joining in the fun Charity events and contributing to our charity funds.
Thank you Mandy and Doug